I know Glenn Beck is a controversial figure in news media. Whatever you may think of him, sometimes he makes sense. I ask you to watch this series of videos. Unfortunately, I don't have links to the entire series but, there is a lot of information included in these three. The videos have the first half of his program but not the last. I don't necessarily endorse his views but, they make me think. That's a good thing! Leave comments if you like, all I ask is that you please engage respectfully. Rude and or obnoxious comments will be deleted.
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr me Hearties.......

Beck: Divine Providence vs. Manifest Destiny
Beck: From Servitude to Slavery
Beck: Segregation in the 20th Century
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr me Hearties.......
Old Guys Rule!!!!
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