one of the most photographed barns on the river
another respectable rainbow taken on a nymph

some of the prettier scenery on the river

Mt. Shasta
The food at the lodge was outstanding, the staff was courteous and the rooms comfortable. The guides are a lot of fun especially when an "experienced" angler as myself go fishing with them. To describe my first couple of casts as substandard is putting it mildly. Dax said on the first one "That's not your best work." Then on the second one "That was apalling!" Arnie had a two fish thing going almost the whole trip. He'd catch or get hit by 2 fish then nothing for awhile. The ribbing back and forth with Dax and Arnie was good natured and fun. I don't have any idea how many flies I broke off. After fishing around here most of my life, I don't have much experience playing large trout. Keep the rod tip up is the best advice going. The 6x tippet may just have a chance to stay together, ya know? Scott fell into the Pit River from Andrew's (his and Dave's guide) drift boat. Falling into the Pit River is real easy to do if you're wading it but out of the boat? I guess he got excited about the fish he hooked. We all caught some real nice and very beautiful trout on the trip. The one day we had a pool, Scott won with a 20" fish from the Fall. I guess I should have gotten one going the other 2 days...LOL. Well, I'll conclude this by saying that I ALWAYS look forward to another fishing trip with the guys and in 2 years for Scott's birthday is no exception.
Until next time,
Until next time,