Monday, September 15, 2008

Headlines from the weekend

This weekend was kind of interesting. Alicia and Mike as you may know live in Webster Texas, very near Houston and not far at all from Galveston. Why is it interesting you may ask? Well, a little tropical cyclone named Ike blew through on Saturday. Fortunately, they were not there. Their home was in the storm surge zone believe it or not. The apartment is on the second floor and the management boarded the windows up in preparation. They along with their dog Isabel in tow, smartly evacuated beforehand to San Antonio. As I write this, they're trying to make it home. I guess cell phone coverage is OK at least in parts of Houston, so we'll see if I hear anything from them. Hopefully, their arrival will find all is well sans electricity and maybe even water. They stocked up on canned goods before the storm and before they left San Antonio.

Last week, Tammy was gone to a training course for her work. She says it was well worthwhile so, hopefully she'll see the full benefit from it in the very near future. I was able to bachelor it successfully for the week although, I did miss her a lot. The reunion, on Friday night was great. I had to work a double the night she came home so we really didn't get to talk to each other until Saturday evening when I came home from work.

Work is still very stressful but it has calmed down a little bit. My immediate supervisor has been very paranoid lately and thinks they're out to get him. His stress level telegraphs right down the food chain to yours truly. Although given the way the city has treated it's management level employees lately, he may be justified in at least a part of the paranoid tendencies. So, I keep plodding along trying to keep him from popping a blood vessel all the while getting really run down and very much looking forward to my yearly fall fly fishing fling next week. Plane tickets were bought a few months ago, reservations have been made, I bought a rolling duffel bag and a new fly rod. The rod is a 4 piece 5 weight St. Croix Avid series. I was ready to go about 6 months ago but could not. Oh well, that's another story.

I did get to go fishing on Tuesday with my Dad, that was a lot of fun. I managed to catch a very nice 16" rainbow trout from a particularly difficult spot. A 16" trout is a very unusual fish in the Santa Ana. Yes, it was a planter but the fish had all it's fins and was in full fall regalia. Suffice it to say it was a very nice catch. It was also very satisfying... Seeing my Dad out there with pole in hand and hiking around the creek brought back some of my most treasured childhood memories of days spent afield with him. We shared many a day by the creek catching and not catching any trout while he passed on his love of fishing to me. He's getting up there in age and his ability to get around is diminishing as the years have taken their toll on his knees and other body parts. I will look forward to the next time we can spend some time on the creek with great anticipation.

Until next time, I am humbly yours,

ARRRRRRRRRRR me Hearties!!!!!


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