I know this is overdue but, since the kids left not much has been happening here. A welcome respite you say? LOL, I agree. The last couple of weeks have been filled with activity but mostly at work. I had to attend 3 days of training to learn about the latest version of our Operations database, an application called OPSSQL. When it's up and running it can make life easier for us but, the City in it's quest for cutting expenses has to let us spend the time necessary to use it to it's fullest extent. Herein lies the problem, most of us are working lots of overtime... I guess it's cheaper than hiring somebody. Lot's of people out there want work but we're kind of a specialized field. Tammy cleaned her sister's house and watched her cats for her while she and her hubby were away playing somewhere. She studied some too I think and spent some time lamenting our grand daughter's departure. I spent a fair amount of time lamenting her departure too.
Tammy's recovering from the emotional roller coaster ride of having the grandbaby close then not then back again then gone for a long time. Probably until we can visit her at Whidbey or on a holiday or something like that. Melissa and Peter are still enroute to their new home town, Alicia is working on building her Sensaria business and Sara is studying while IM'ing her boyfriend Matt who is in England. Ahhhh, life is good in spite of the turmoil in financial, political and world affairs circles.
Well, I need to meet a friend for breakfast this morning so I'll leave you with this thought from Spurgeon:
“It is a faithful saying.”
- 2Ti_2:11
Paul has four of these “faithful sayings.” The first occurs in 1Ti_1:15, “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” The next is in 1Ti_4:6, “Godliness is profitable unto all things, having the promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation.” The third is in 2Ti_2:12, “It is a faithful saying-If we suffer with him we shall also reign with him”; and the fourth is in Tit_3:3, “This is a faithful saying, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works.” We may trace a connection between these faithful sayings. The first one lays the foundation of our eternal salvation in the free grace of God, as shown to us in the mission of the great Redeemer. The next affirms the double blessedness which we obtain through this salvation-the blessings of the upper and nether springs-of time and of eternity. The third shows one of the duties to which the chosen people are called; we are ordained to suffer for Christ with the promise that “if we suffer, we shall also reign with him.” The last sets forth the active form of Christian service, bidding us diligently to maintain good works. Thus we have the root of salvation in free grace; next, the privileges of that salvation in the life which now is, and in that which is to come; and we have also the two great branches of suffering with Christ and serving with Christ, loaded with the fruits of the Spirit. Treasure up these faithful sayings. Let them be the guides of our life, our comfort, and our instruction. The apostle of the Gentiles proved them to be faithful, they are faithful still, not one word shall fall to the ground; they are worthy of all acceptation, let us accept them now, and prove their faithfulness. Let these four faithful sayings be written on the four corners of my house.
Until next time.....
The day-to-day happenings of a middle aged guy. Or more commonly referred to as an Old Fart.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Send Off
There comes a time in every child's life when they should be on their own. For our kids, all but the youngest have flown the nest. However, while Peter was in Kuwait and Africa this past 2 months, Melissa and Sarah Rose lived with us. It was a wonderful time to be around our grandchild. Both Tammy and I became very attached to the little munchkin. She made some real milestones while she was here. She learned to clap, wave hello, goodbye and, she's pulling herself up to a standing position on all kinds of things. Just see the picture to the left... She's also learning to do what all female children do... babble incessantly. It's been a lot of fun.
This weekend we were able to get all of the local SO. CA. family together to send Peter and Melissa off to Peter's new post at Whidbey Island in Puget Sound about 2 hrs. drive time from Seattle. After a nice BBQ at our house, it was a real hoot getting most of them up to Riley's Farm in Oak Glen for a fun time. Of course the star of the show was Sarah Rose... At least 3 or 4 shutters kept clicking wherever she went. This went a long way toward getting my mind off the death of a dear friend. Spending time with my son-in-law Peter was really nice too. Watching the major league baseball playoffs and Victory at Sea is a memory I'll keep for a long time.
We have a housefull this morning with Tammy's sister, her 2 boys and our youngest daughter Sara. Sleeping arrangements were tight but we always manage one way or another. I think Tammy is in the kitchen doing her best to cook up something that will help me get fatter. Peter is behind me typing away to put something on his blog.
This week has been stressful. The death of a close friend is never an easy thing to accept. My faith in the Lord has gone a long way to help me get on with life and having family members that love me close by has been just what the doctor ordered.
Humbly yours until next time...
ARRRRRRRRRRR Me Hearties!!!!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Every once in awhile one of those people comes along in life that can really have a good influence on you. About 6 years ago I met such a person after talking to him on the local repeater for several months. I decided to join the local radio club and met him at the first meeting I went to. Oh he was human just like the rest of us with foibles and the occasional problem. There was just something about him. Something that could draw you to be his friend. Or at least want to talk to him more. Maybe it was his outgoing personality or his uncanny ability to remember almost anything, I'm not sure exactly what it was. One of the things I liked about him was his personableness. The ability to put a person at ease with a kind word like "You Rock!" The distinctive presence on the local repeater that seemed to almost always be there night or day. The charismatic voice that kind of grew on you.
As I got to know him we learned a lot about each others' likes and dislikes. He hated beef stew while I loved it. He liked the Dodgers... well, I do too. Actually, I think he loved them as the season tickets he had proved. "Star Trek Voyager" was often a topic as well as many other things. I worked graveyard for a number of years. The city had gotten us Nextel cellular phones with the direct connect feature. Well, he had gotten one too. There was more than one night that he kept me awake and made the long shift pass a lot faster by yacking with me on the Nextel. He seemed to just be there when you needed him to be. Amazingly, having it pointed out to me how big of a "shroomer" I was got to be a lot of fun.
Another thing I liked about Glenn was how much he loved his wife and Kids. Glenn was always talking about the things Tammy and the girls were up to. You see, my wife's name is Tammy and we raised 3 girls too. I really enjoyed talking about the families' activities with him.
His love for God and country impressed me as well. He served his country for a number of years in the Air Force as a canine handler. This experience and the desire to make a good life for his family eventually led him to his career in the California Department of Corrections keeping watch over the walking talking human sewage we have to keep locked up away from normal people. Not a pleasant job to be sure. I have a lot of respect for the men and women who keep these morons under lock and key. At least in my line of work the turds don't shoot at me or talk trash.
Along with others, he made up the Yucaipa Valley Amateur Radio Club, a group of Amateur radio enthusiasts like myself. At a time when the club could easily have ceased to exist, he stepped up as President. The club was resurrected from the dead with his able leadership and has become something to be proud of. He currently was what he liked to call "Membership Director," a role that he relished and was quite good at.
When Phil, our current club president called to tell me Glenn had become Silent Key it was as if someone knocked my legs out from under me. I was in total shock. I figured since I was older Glenn would attend my funeral, not vice-versa. Things like this aren't supposed to happen. Sadly though, they do. The rest of us are left to continue on and hold memories of the good times we've had together close to our hearts. I will pray for Glenn's wife and kids and never miss an opportunity to say hello to someone I know again. You just don't know when the ability to do so will be wrenched away. The "Perfesser" as I loved to call him has left a big hole in my heart. Perfesser, this isn't goodbye but only a see you later since I'll get to see you soon in the "Hamshack in the Sky."
I will miss Glenn but I will carry on as he would want. I'll keep on trying for that next DX contact on HF. I'll try to be there for others on the local repeater thereby giving tribute to Glenn Montenero, KJ6QB/SK.

Until next time,
A subdued ARRRRRRRRRR Me Hearties.....
As I got to know him we learned a lot about each others' likes and dislikes. He hated beef stew while I loved it. He liked the Dodgers... well, I do too. Actually, I think he loved them as the season tickets he had proved. "Star Trek Voyager" was often a topic as well as many other things. I worked graveyard for a number of years. The city had gotten us Nextel cellular phones with the direct connect feature. Well, he had gotten one too. There was more than one night that he kept me awake and made the long shift pass a lot faster by yacking with me on the Nextel. He seemed to just be there when you needed him to be. Amazingly, having it pointed out to me how big of a "shroomer" I was got to be a lot of fun.
Another thing I liked about Glenn was how much he loved his wife and Kids. Glenn was always talking about the things Tammy and the girls were up to. You see, my wife's name is Tammy and we raised 3 girls too. I really enjoyed talking about the families' activities with him.
His love for God and country impressed me as well. He served his country for a number of years in the Air Force as a canine handler. This experience and the desire to make a good life for his family eventually led him to his career in the California Department of Corrections keeping watch over the walking talking human sewage we have to keep locked up away from normal people. Not a pleasant job to be sure. I have a lot of respect for the men and women who keep these morons under lock and key. At least in my line of work the turds don't shoot at me or talk trash.
Along with others, he made up the Yucaipa Valley Amateur Radio Club, a group of Amateur radio enthusiasts like myself. At a time when the club could easily have ceased to exist, he stepped up as President. The club was resurrected from the dead with his able leadership and has become something to be proud of. He currently was what he liked to call "Membership Director," a role that he relished and was quite good at.
When Phil, our current club president called to tell me Glenn had become Silent Key it was as if someone knocked my legs out from under me. I was in total shock. I figured since I was older Glenn would attend my funeral, not vice-versa. Things like this aren't supposed to happen. Sadly though, they do. The rest of us are left to continue on and hold memories of the good times we've had together close to our hearts. I will pray for Glenn's wife and kids and never miss an opportunity to say hello to someone I know again. You just don't know when the ability to do so will be wrenched away. The "Perfesser" as I loved to call him has left a big hole in my heart. Perfesser, this isn't goodbye but only a see you later since I'll get to see you soon in the "Hamshack in the Sky."
I will miss Glenn but I will carry on as he would want. I'll keep on trying for that next DX contact on HF. I'll try to be there for others on the local repeater thereby giving tribute to Glenn Montenero, KJ6QB/SK.

Until next time,
A subdued ARRRRRRRRRR Me Hearties.....
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