As I got to know him we learned a lot about each others' likes and dislikes. He hated beef stew while I loved it. He liked the Dodgers... well, I do too. Actually, I think he loved them as the season tickets he had proved. "Star Trek Voyager" was often a topic as well as many other things. I worked graveyard for a number of years. The city had gotten us Nextel cellular phones with the direct connect feature. Well, he had gotten one too. There was more than one night that he kept me awake and made the long shift pass a lot faster by yacking with me on the Nextel. He seemed to just be there when you needed him to be. Amazingly, having it pointed out to me how big of a "shroomer" I was got to be a lot of fun.
Another thing I liked about Glenn was how much he loved his wife and Kids. Glenn was always talking about the things Tammy and the girls were up to. You see, my wife's name is Tammy and we raised 3 girls too. I really enjoyed talking about the families' activities with him.
His love for God and country impressed me as well. He served his country for a number of years in the Air Force as a canine handler. This experience and the desire to make a good life for his family eventually led him to his career in the California Department of Corrections keeping watch over the walking talking human sewage we have to keep locked up away from normal people. Not a pleasant job to be sure. I have a lot of respect for the men and women who keep these morons under lock and key. At least in my line of work the turds don't shoot at me or talk trash.
Along with others, he made up the Yucaipa Valley Amateur Radio Club, a group of Amateur radio enthusiasts like myself. At a time when the club could easily have ceased to exist, he stepped up as President. The club was resurrected from the dead with his able leadership and has become something to be proud of. He currently was what he liked to call "Membership Director," a role that he relished and was quite good at.
When Phil, our current club president called to tell me Glenn had become Silent Key it was as if someone knocked my legs out from under me. I was in total shock. I figured since I was older Glenn would attend my funeral, not vice-versa. Things like this aren't supposed to happen. Sadly though, they do. The rest of us are left to continue on and hold memories of the good times we've had together close to our hearts. I will pray for Glenn's wife and kids and never miss an opportunity to say hello to someone I know again. You just don't know when the ability to do so will be wrenched away. The "Perfesser" as I loved to call him has left a big hole in my heart. Perfesser, this isn't goodbye but only a see you later since I'll get to see you soon in the "Hamshack in the Sky."
I will miss Glenn but I will carry on as he would want. I'll keep on trying for that next DX contact on HF. I'll try to be there for others on the local repeater thereby giving tribute to Glenn Montenero, KJ6QB/SK.

Until next time,
A subdued ARRRRRRRRRR Me Hearties.....
1 comment:
I am very sorry to hear the news. My Dad liked him alot. Glen was very concerned when my Dad was ill and my Dad wanted me to keep him and the Yuciapa club informed on his status in the last month or so and asked me to keep checkin in and I always did. I only new Glen from the radio and my Dad although when we were young I'm sure I saw him in my Dads store as I was there everyday and worked there after school for many years. My thoughts and best wishes to Glens family . God will take care of them both.
Dave ( JR )
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