Well, it has been a few weeks since my last post. I know I know I should have done it sooner... On the UTI front, my strength is nearly back to normal. Thanks in part to staying away from work except for my scheduled days. That said, I did something stupid and split a graveyard shift with another Sr. operator today. I was at work at 3 AM or Oh dark thirty. The net result is I am a little richerand as I write this I am barely awake at 18:30 or 6:30 PM for you non- 24 hour clock types. The diet is going good, I've lost 8 pounds since I came home from the hospital. Not bad eh? So far work hasn't been too bad since I got back. I guess I should just be grateful I'm employed when I look around at the state of the economy.
I've watched in great dismay the recent "SPENDULUS PROGRAM" that was shoved down the throats of Americans everywhere. We shouldn't be surprised however, he's (obama) is doing exactly what he said he would do. He's insulated himself with his favorite liberal lackeys that is, appointees and cabinet members. With the full blind support of Queen Pelosi, Nancy herself, has charted a course for America that at best is unprecedented and at worst is the stepping stones to the Socialist States of America. What I find most reprehensible and unconscionable is the fact that not one congressperson or Senator even read the thing. Oh the SHAME! A black day has come to our beautiful shores. America will not recover easily from this whole unholy package. I fear that in our headlong persuit into the oblivion of wealth redistribution just because we thought we had to "DO" something we've flown right off a deadly precipice. Where is this president taking us? Where is the leadership? Why all the secrecy?
Next post maybe I'll talk about the secret mission that obama has sent 17,000 of our precious military personell into harm's way in Afganistan without even a face-to-face to explain why. One should question why the president starts his own "surge" with no plan in place at all while he staunchly opposed the former president's surge that was well planned and a as it turned out a complete success.
There, I'm off my soapbox now.
I've been watching a lot of Flyfishing programs since I discovered that I now get the Sportsman Channel. I think my favorite is one that focuses on fly fishing National Parks. Although, some of the Canadian shows are a lot of fun too. I'll have to try my hand at Muskie fishing some day...
Tammy is doing well, the kids are great too. Peter and Melissa are getting prepared for child number 2. I think she's due near Labor Day. Mike and Alicia are looking at houses in and near Seabrook. Sara's gearing up for her Senior project and upcoming graduation in May. My how time has flown. My Dad has 4 feet of snow at his house. I feel old now. I'm even starting to look that way too. Almost geezerish...
Until next time....
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