This weekend was a whirlwind affair. On Independence day I was at work which was by all measures a tough day. We had a main fuse blow on one leg of one of the 12 KV lines that feed the plant. Not only did a small fire ignite, but the ensuing havoc of blown fuses and tripped equipment took its toll. If you know anything about electricity, (Mike the EE...) you know that when equipment with 3 phase motors tries to run on 2 phases, bad will things happen. The smoke is still clearing and we're still trying to recover. Thankfully Saturday was a little smoother but, Tammy came down with a cold or sinusitis I guess the Dr. eventually called it.
With my sick wife in tow and Sara, we left for Port Hueneme on Sunday morning to see our grad daughter dedicated to the Lord. Now this is not a baptism or christening, but a service where the grandparents, parents and congregation vow to do whatever it takes to raise the child in a Christ-like way. Something I take very seriously of course. What a joy to see all the support Melissa and Peter have.

We joined Peter's Mom & Dad and had a lovely Sunday afternoon dinner at Melissa and Peter's home. We all left Port Hueneme about 5 or 6 PM I think, and headed to San Diego to the Navy Lodge to spend the next couple of days. Peter had pre-op on Monday and Surgery on Tuesday to remove a growth in his knee. While he was at pre-op, we joined his folks for a morning at the beach on Coronado Island and spent the afternoon touring the carrier Midway. I heartily suggest that ANYONE who enjoys the freedoms paid for by the blood of US Military Service people should make the time to visit the Midway. It was not only a fun experience, but a moving one as well. I really enjoyed the radio room for obvious reasons. B-D can you say CQ CQ CQ?

Tuesday we spent hanging around mostly with Melissa, Sarah Rose and Auntie Sara Beth. We were able to visit some with Tammy's Mom and Joe while we we there. It's been a long time since we visited their home. With the advent of grand children and married children, our priorities naturally had to shift. It was very nice of Ma Dee and joe to watch Tirzah for Melissa and Peter.
We enjoyed visiting with Peter's Mom & Dad even though I was able to get all of us lost a couple of times while driving around the Naval Base area. The streets in that part of San Diego/ National City are very confusing to a country bumpkin like me. But we still, we managed to find our way around.
Peter's surgery went well I'm told although, he's suffering a little nausea from the experience. Melissa had the same cold that Tammy has and I think I'm coming down with it now. Whew... what a weekend. I hope I can get to work so I can relax some. Just kidding!
We had some bad news this weekend, we're pretty sure Alicia lost her child. I spoke with her yesterday, both her and Mike are doing OK. I'm saddened at the loss but, God has His purposes in life and all we can do is trust Him. Mike is doing a great job supporting Alicia through this trial all the while suffering with his own nasty cold. Thanks Mike for taking care of one of my girls.
I will post some pictures from this weekend on Shutterfly when I get time.
Until next time,
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