Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cold front this weekend

Well, I got it. A real snot slinger too. As soon as I started feeling like it was coming on, I started eating Zicam like it was candy. You know, the stuff that lessens the intensity and shortens the duration? Well guess what? That was wishful thinking on my part. It hit me just as hard and it's hanging on just as long. So much for the wonder drug. I think Tammy gave it to me but, I didn't wait over a week to seek out a medical professional's help though. They put me on augmentin and Zyrtec (which I can't take at work because it can make me drowsy. I don't need any help feeling drowsy thank you very much. I do just fine all on my own. Another Old Guy thing I guess. Boy a nap sure would be nice right now...

The results from my poll last time left more questions... Two of you want to be named as a beneficiary in case my demise by motorcycle is premature. OK, fiancial gain at my expense is Ok. There was one that was a definite no. I guess I'll forget about it for now. Thanks for the comment Peter.

Melissa Peter and Baby Sarah are visiting this weekend. Peter's post surgery check-up is on Tuesday so they decided to come for the weekend. That's OK, we get some more time to play with the baby. I swear, that kid will think my head has a camera and flash permanently attached to my head.

Alicia told us definatively yesterday that she miscarried. We're all sad but thankful there were no medical complications due to the short term pregnancy. Mike and Alicia are doing good, the foregoing pregnancy- related activities just a part of life's marvelous tapestry.

Sara's young man, Matt visited yesterday and I was able to spend a little time with him last night before retiring to my bed. He seems like a very nice young man. He's interested in Ham radio too but for his father who recently retired. I guess they're looking for an activity that will keep him away from the office.

I watched the All-Star game this week. I was pleased to see the AL finally win it in extra innings. I was beginning to wonder if they'd send out the bat boys to pitch. Who knows, it might have been fun to watch.

Some of you may know that I have the very special blessing of a Christian boss. We've been meeting on a regular basis to read some scriptures and pray together. This week we've been working our way through I Corinthians. I Corinthians 10: 31- "So whether you eat or drink, do all to the glory of God." It strikes me how so much can be boiled down to in this simple statement. If we all ask ourselves BEFORE we do something if this activity or what we're about to say will really glorify God, things would probably be a lot different in this world. Colossians 3:17- And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving giving thanks to God the Father through him. I think it behooves us all to keep these in mind this week.



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