I woke up early again this morning... Darn cold makes it tough to breathe and or sleep. I think most of you will appreciate this:

From the NO DUH! file: Apparently scientists from ABC Science Online have just discovered something: Smaller Families Face Higher Extinction Risk. Come on fellas, you don't need a degree to figure that one out... Unless you're a rabbit.
I've seen a number of humorous emails going around lately with humorous one liners. Things like "Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician." Or "Life not only begins at 40, it begins to show." Here's a website with a bunch of them: Slightly Senior Moments.
There are also some pretty funny comparison type jokes going around like "Then: Getting out to a new, hip joint. Now: Getting a new hip joint." As you can see from a previous post, I can particularly relate to this one..."Then: Acid Rock. Now: Acid Reflux." More Here
As I grow older I'm finding out more and more things about the aging process. (NO DUH!) Now I'm beginning to understand what my grandma meant when she said "It's hell getting old Freddy!" Maybe it's all just a sign of the times... I understand a lot of us baby boomers will be retiring in the next 10-15 years. I can honestly say, any smart person will make a fortune on us with a medical geriatics practice. But not to worry, unless you don't plan.
Tammy brought up an interesting idea last week. If the price of fuel keeps going up, maybe I should learn how to ride a motorcycle and purchase one for commuting. I don't know if I like the idea yet but, I'm open to give it a whirl. I have several friends that ride so getting input from them is helpful. What do you think? Take the poll and leave a comment if you have any ideas.
Until next time,
umm, motorcycles are bad news! Hang out in an ER for a weekend, and then let me know if you still want a bike.
Sorry to be the old-fuddy-duddy!
I know what you mean Peter, as a volunteer firefighter in my younger days, I helped scoop up a number of motorcycle enthusiasts.
Glad you're being the old fuddy duddy.
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Me Hearty!
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